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All Rights Reserved.
White Water Associates laboratory also tests for other
parameters for drinking water. Some of the commonly
requested tests are listed below.
Nitrate Nitrogen - $20
Nitrite Nitrogen - $20
Fluoride - $25
Chloride - $18
Hardness, Sodium, Iron - $45
Sulfate - $18
Uranium - $65
Mercury - $50
Volatile Organic Compounds: VOCs - $138
Pesticides - $360
Herbicides - $100
Lead and Copper in Drinking Water - $35
Other Metals - these metals include antimony, arsenic,
selenium, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium,
mercury, lead, silver, nickel, thallium, copper, zinc,
manganese, strontium, calcium, magnesium - $30 for
the 1st metal and $18 for each metal after.
The parameters listed above must be shipped to the lab on
ice in an insulated cooler.