© Copyright 2025 White Water Associates, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
White Water field scientists conduct assessment and
monitoring of streams and rivers to characterize
conditions, determine concentrations of metals, nutrients,
and organics, plan best management practices and
restoration actions, and document recovery. We work with
resource agencies, industry, municipalities, and
landowners on these multidisciplinary projects. Our
projects range from pristine headwater streams to highly
polluted rivers.
Stream and river monitoring work includes characterizing
the physical condition such as hydrology, morphology, flow,
substrate, habitat, and riparian area. We are skilled in
collection of water quality samples for later analyses in the
laboratory. Our water quality sampling skills include clean
techniques for low-level metals. We assess stream biota by
identifying aquatic insects and other small invertebrate
animals, fish, freshwater mussels, aquatic plants, algae, and
aquatic invasive species. Some of our long term projects
have documented the impacts of nonpoint source pollution
and then followed stream recovery after installation of best
management practices.
Many technical skills and methods are applied in our
stream monitoring efforts. We have specialized equipment
and instruments to facilitate our work. Some field meters
allow instantaneous measurement of parameters. Other
equipment is deployed in the field and records water
quality parameters at frequent intervals. We frequently
monitor streams that are challenging to access because of
remote location, rugged terrain, or seasonal conditions
(such deep snow, ice, and muddy roads).